Found a Tag?
I found a tag on the beach that looks like the Life History Transmitter. What do I do?
The LHX1 tag looks like a large capsule a little smaller than a soda can, either pink and grey or yellow and grey.
LHX2 tags look like the picture to the right. LHX tags are implanted and designed to study the life and death of Steller sea lions.
Life History Transmitters only come out of a body after an animal dies. These tags are important research devices. We would greatly appreciate getting them back and learning more about when and where you found it.
There is a reward for the return of any LHX tag.
- Never approach or touch a sea lion, sea otter, or any marine mammal that is dead or alive! Instead, notify the regional stranding network.
Alaska: (
- If you find an LHX tag, don’t touch the tag directly - pick up the tag using a plastic bag or gloves (just because it came out of a dead sea lion). If you accidentally come into contact with the tag, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water.
- Contact us to let us know when and where you found the tag. If you can see a number inside the clear epoxy on one end of the tag, write down that number, and let us know what it is. Email us at
Tell us you found an LHX tag, and let us know how to contact you. If you prefer, leave a message for Wildlife Technology Frontiers at 501-819-4827.
- We will arrange for shipping free-of-charge.
Where will I find these LHX tags?
We work mostly in Alaska and occasionally in Oregon and California, but you could find them anywhere along the west coast of North America. Most people find these tags washed up on the beach.